• Generic Flea Products

    For almost two decades, safe, effective flea medications from your veterinarian have helped pet owners battle these blood-sucking parasites. Now, several "generic" flea medications are flooding the market, showing up in big box stores and grocery stores across the country. Will these cheaper medications

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  • High Blood Pressure in Dogs

    Most dog owners would admit a lack of knowledge or perhaps even a lack of concern about canine hypertension, or high blood pressure in dogs. After all, since they don't have the same vices as we do, they shouldn't be at risk, right? Well, the answer may be a little more complex than just life style choices. One

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  • Itching Pets

    It's a common occurrence: Pet owners expressing feelings of frustration, helplessness and even despair from a single symptom. Their pets itch and scratch, itch and scratch — and it is not a flea problem! Although this may not seem like a big deal, these owners suffer through sleepless nights as their

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  • Overweight Pets

    According to the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention (APOP), 43% of all dogs and 53% of all cats are classified as overweight. What's worse is that an additional 10% of all dogs and 19% of all cats are considered obese! Therefore, more than half of our dogs and cats are overweight or obese. So, should

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  • Pain Management in Pets

    Arthritis and chronic pain are not purely human conditions. Dogs and cats feel pain too and arthritis causes long term pain that can affect your their behavior and activity level. Modern veterinary diagnostics and therapies can offer some hope. Pain has many causes. When it happens to your pet friends,

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