• Pet Weight Critical to Wellness of Cats and Dogs

    The Association of Pet Obesity Prevention advises that pets are suffering from epidemic obesity and it is preventable. Obese or overweight animals weigh in at nearly sixty-percent for cats and nearly fifty-percent for dogs. The number is constantly increasing and causing health conditions and physical

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  • Reading Pet Food Labels

    When you visit the grocery or pet store, you can find hundreds, if not thousands, of kinds of dog and cat foods. The advertisements and marketing materials for each claims their food is the best. How can you decide what food to feed to your pet? Dedicated pet owners will attempt to read labels to help

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  • What is Taurine and Why do Cats Need It?

    Does your feline friend get enough taurine? Serious health problems can occur if this essential amino acid is in short supply.

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  • What is a Raw Diet?

    Raw diets offer an alternative to commercially prepared pet food and can be a good choice for some pets. Serving raw foods offer a variety of benefits, although the diet isn't appropriate for every cat or dog. Why Offer Raw Food? Commercially available pet food often contains preservatives or chemicals

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  • What is in Your Pets' Food?

    Every day we are besieged with pet food advertisements, in magazines, newspapers and on television. Tens, if not hundreds, of millions of dollars are spent per year trying to convince us that their pet food is the best. Who to believe? What is really in pet food? Is the pet food label helpful? A Chapman

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